Translate Blog

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Surgery Time!

9:45am-Just got our first update from the OR nurse. Dr. Choo just opened up his first ear!

11:15am-second update from OR. They said the first implant is in and working. They just closed him up and are starting on the other side. They just called and reported to the receptionist so I didn't get to ask if all the electrodes are working correctly. We are just assuming that no news is good news. 

12:00pm-Jordan is bored :) Enjoying the video game set up with his mom!

2:10pm-He's out! Jordan and I just sat down with Dr. Choo. He said he's very happy with the surgery! Apparently Brody has a textbook head and it couldn't have gone more perfect. He was able to get all electrodes in and they are all working perfectly! I'm posting some images below that Dr. Choo took of the left ear during the surgery (If you don't like gory pictures, you can stop scrolling here!). 

This is the internal magnet. The black line going across it is a procedure that not all doctors do, but Dr. Choo does. He puts two small screws on either side with a string to hold it down to anchor it so it won't slip out of the pocket. Once he heals (hopefully 2 weeks), they will activate the external piece which looks kind of like a hearing aid. When the external and internal magnets touch, the external sound processor will give him sound. 

This shows the electrode anchor line. 

The part that looks like it is kind of going down a hole is the electrodes. There are 22 electrodes on each ear. Dr. Choo said when they checked it during surgery, all of the electrodes worked perfectly! You can't see the actual Cochlea in any picture, but it's down the hole. 

In between the wires, there is the facial nerve (the whiter part). This is one part they have to watch when cutting so they don't hit it. 

Everything looks great now! We are just waiting for him to start waking up in recovery for us to go back. Thank you for all of your prayers!!!

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