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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Brody had more fun handing out candy than actually trick-or-treating. We had to bribe him to go to all of 15 houses. He was scared of people in  masks, but loved the frozen costumes and minions! He would say, "happy Halloween!" after giving each person candy. Super proud of himself!

Not sure who was more excited to dress up, Brody or Papa (aka the Man in the Yellow Hat). 

Here's Brody saying the "Five Little Punpkins" poem. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Guess What!

Brody has been in his mainstream preschool a little over two months. To say we are happy with our decision to mainstream him with regular hearing peers is an understatement. Being around other kids his age that are good speech and language models has improved his speech and language. There is very little he says now that we can't understand. His teachers are also able to understand the majority of his speech. His sentences have expanded to about 6-8 words per sentence. He's using correct grammar. We are amazed at the progress we have seen from him!

His new favorite expression is "guess what!" He has two most common ones we hear..."Guess What?" "What?" "Chicken butt!" or "Guess what?" "What" "Chick-fil-a is closed on Sundays!" He has a new "guess what" saying now...

Here he is when we told him...

I'm only about 9 weeks along. I have been super sick with this baby. I was sick with Brody, but nothing compared to this! I have been out of work for almost 2 weeks. I went back this week and have been exhausted after work to the point I lay down and can sleep until the next morning. Hopefully this ends soon! Although, they say if your sick, the baby is healthy! Keep me in your prayers please!