We have Brody's IFSP meeting this coming week. He has come so far in these last 6 months! We haven't really been too worried about his fine motor skills (the small motor movement usually with your fingers). One of his goals was feeding with utensils. He still struggles with this and we are hoping to continue working I that goal on his new plan. He is able to do simple puzzles now!
Another one of Brody's goals was working on core strength. We did a lot of stair work. He can go up and down now. He wants to hold on to the rail so bad and be a big kid, but he is still a little short for the one at our house.
My mom and I wrote down all of his words. I didn't realize how many he had now! We are still adding to the list as we see Brody use new words. Right now he has about 10 words he is actually using his voice only for. He says "all" for ball, "ooo" for open, "eee" for eat, "mmmm-rr" for more, "ana" for banana, "meow," "moo," and a few more that I can't think of right now. He has about 30 more words that he uses signs for. Brody is starting to remember signs that we had taught him awhile ago. His memory amazes me! He has over 75 words that he understands when we say them. He is starting to make choices between two objects.
We went to Dayton this past weekend to celebrate baby girl Fromholt! She will be here in March!
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Thanks Mitchell for the big cousin shirt! |
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Brody (note the face), Aunt Sarah Fromholt, and her other nephew Mitchell |
Brody had a lot of fun after the shower with Papa Tom and Grammy. He thought he was big stuff for being able to climb in Papa Tom's chair all by himself!
We went to the Cincinatti Boat Show while we were there. Brody liked the people watching. They had a big tank where they were showing off a new radar fish thing (technical terms here). Brody loved the big fish inside. He kept saying "hi" and then signing fish.
Jordan's birthday was on Tuesday. We went out and got sushi. Brody loved the chopsticks and even succeeded to get some food in him mouth with them!
Med-el (one of the cochlear implant manufacturers) has some great resources on their website. Cochlear and Advanced bionics do too. I strongly encourage parents to check them out! The Med-el site isn't as user friendly as the other two, but if you can find the information, it is very useful! One thing inperticular is a developmental timeline. (Okay below is the link for the Cochlear one because, like I said, the med-el site is hard to find things on and I couldn't find it again!) One thing to remember with kids who have cochlear implants is that their ears are like a newborn baby's ears at activation. So Brody's "hearing age" is about 4 1/2 months right now. He is right at about 8 months on the checklist! You do have to account for some maturity because cognitively he is older than 4 months, but still he is moving right along! We would like to see more babbling next. He uses a lot of vowels with only one syllable. We would like to see some p, b, d, and m sounds. Here's the link...http://www.cochlear.com/wps/wcm/connect/a7a47900-c232-4810-8bdc-d53e7b48a25f/product_cochlearimplant_rehabilitationresources_earlyintervention_integratedscalesofdevelopmentfromlistenlearnandtalk_en_612kb.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=a7a47900-c232-4810-8bdc-d53e7b48a25f.